Hay Day > Everything about Hay Day Barn You Must See

Everything about Hay Day Barn You Must See


Hay Day barn is the place where to store products, animal goods and supplies like building supplies, clearance supplies etc.


Hay Day Tips -  Barn.png


At the beginning of Hay Day, it can hold 50 items. Later, if players collect enough building supplies including bolt, duct tape, plank, barn can be upgraded to hold more items.



  • Hay Day Bot

    - With Hay Day; - Auto plant (Wheat、Corn、Carrot); - Auto harvest; - Auto sell them in road-side shops; * Support all Android devices (Requirements: Android 7.0+)

    2021-12-08 | V1.4.4


    The Rule of Upgrading Hay Day Barn You Must See


    1. Upgrading barn to the next capacity requires one more item of each building supply based on the previous amount.


    2. For the capacity of from 50 to 1,000, upgrading the barn will expand by 25 spaces.

    3. For the capacity of 1,000 above, upgrading the barn will expand by 50 spaces.


    For example:


    From the capacity of 50 items to 75 items, need 1 bolt, 1 duct tape, 1 plank;


    From the capacity of 75 items to 100 items, need 2 bolts, 2 duct tapes, 2 planks;


    From 100 to 125, need 3 bolts, 3 duct tapes, 3 planks;


    and so on.

    Hay Day Barn  - Upgrade the Capacity to 950.jpg


    Upgrade from 1,000 to 1,050, need 39 bolts, 39 duct tapes, 39 planks;


    Upgrade from1,050 to 1,110, need 40 bolts, 40 duct tapes, 40 planks;


    Upgrade from 1,100 to 1,150, need 41 bolts, 41 duct tapes, 41 planks



    Hay Day Barn  - Upgrade the Capacity to 1,550.jpg


    Tips of Upgrading Hay Day Barn You Must See


    1. How to Get Planks Fast on Hay Day?

    2. How to Get Bolts Fast on Hay Day?

    3. How to Get Duct Tapes Fast on Hay Day?



    Hay Day Bot - Android Automatic Tool to Auto Farm

    Hay Day Bot is an auto farming tool developed by Game Bots team. It can automatically plant, harvest, and sell wheat, corn and carrot for players 24/7 without stopping. What's more, Hay Day Bot can automatically play multiple Hay Day farms on one Android mobile!

      > Download Hay Day Bot<

    As Hay Day Bot has those automatic features, Hay Day Bot is considered as an effective hacking tool and Hay Day cheat for the game resources like Hay Day coins, Hay Day supplies including building materials, clearance materials etc.


    Kick back and enjoy tons of resource without effort with Hay Day Bot!  


  • Hay Day Bot

    - With Hay Day; - Auto plant (Wheat、Corn、Carrot); - Auto harvest; - Auto sell them in road-side shops; * Support all Android devices (Requirements: Android 7.0+)

    2021-12-08 | V1.4.4

  • More Useful Hay Day Tips and Tricks:

    1. Hay Day Bot

    2. Hay Day Diamonds Tips

    2. Hay Day Coins Tips

    4. Hay Day Other Tips

    5. Hay Day News

    6. Hay Day Building Materials Tip


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