Hay Day > Everything about Town Visitors You Must know

Everything about Town Visitors You Must know


Town Visitors will take the train to your town in HayDay. These tourists are the NPC of the game. They will buy services from you when they come to your town.


Every tourist has a different identity, which can be seen from their appearance. When you are doing Derby missions, you need to serve visitors with a special identity as required, so take a look at their different identities and how to identify them!

The Actress

The Cowboy

The Dancer

The Grand Master

The Local

The Lady


The Mechanic

The Salesman

The Strongman


The Teacher

Choosing the right task according to the identity of the visitors in your town can help us spend less energy to complete more tasks, improve efficiency, and save your precious time!



Hay Day Bot - Android Automatic Tool to Auto Farm

Hay Day Bot is an auto farming tool developed by Game Bots team. It can automatically plant, harvest, and sell wheat, corn and carrot for players 24/7 without stopping. What's more, Hay Day Bot can automatically play multiple Hay Day farms on one Android mobile!

  > Download Hay Day Bot<

As Hay Day Bot has those automatic features, Hay Day Bot is considered as an effective hacking tool and Hay Day cheat for the game resources like Hay Day coins, Hay Day supplies including building materials, land expansion materials, clearance materials etc.


Kick back and enjoy tons of resource without effort with Hay Day Bot!  


  • Hay Day Bot

    - With Hay Day; - Auto plant (Wheat、Corn、Carrot); - Auto harvest; - Auto sell them in road-side shops; * Support all Android devices (Requirements: Android 7.0+)

    2021-12-08 | V1.4.4


  • More Useful Hay Day Tips:


    1. Hay Day Bot

    2. Hay Day Diamonds Tips

    3. Hay Day Coins Tips

    4. Hay Day Other Tips

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