Hay Day > What is Hay Day Dock? Is It Worth Repairing?

What is Hay Day Dock? Is It Worth Repairing?


Hay Day dock is the place where Hay Day boat can be loaded goods, unlocked at the level 17.


 Hay Day Dock.JPG

Hay Day dock needs to be repaired with 14,000 coins and 1 day and 7 hours ( or 68 diamonds). After Hay Day dock completely repaired, the boat in Hay Day can arrive at the player’s farm.


  • Hay Day Bot

    - With Hay Day; - Auto plant (Wheat、Corn、Carrot); - Auto harvest; - Auto sell them in road-side shops; * Support all Android devices (Requirements: Android 7.0+)

    2021-12-08 | V1.4.4


  • The dock is initially made of woods. Once repaired, the dock looks like it is made of stone.  


     Repaired Hay Day Dock.JPG



    Is Hay Day dock worth repairing?


    It is worth but you don’t need to repair it in a hurry as you have to spend coins in more valuable items like production machines. 

    When you reach higher level and unlock more features of Hay Day, you could repair and use dock to get boats for vouchers, puzzle pieces or finish quests of Hay Day events. During that time, it is worth.


    Hay Day Bot - Android Automatic Tool to Auto Farm


    Hay Day Bot is an auto farming tool developed by Game Bots team. It can automatically plant, harvest, and sell wheat, corn and carrot for players 24/7 without stopping. What's more, Hay Day Bot can automatically play multiple Hay Day farms on one Android mobile!


      > Download Hay Day Bot<


    As Hay Day Bot has those automatic features, Hay Day Bot is considered as an effective hacking tool and Hay Day cheat for the game resources like Hay Day coins, Hay Day supplies including axes, saws, building materials, land expansion materials, and more clearance materials etc.


    Kick back and enjoy tons of resource without effort with Hay Day Bot!  



  • Hay Day Bot

    - With Hay Day; - Auto plant (Wheat、Corn、Carrot); - Auto harvest; - Auto sell them in road-side shops; * Support all Android devices (Requirements: Android 7.0+)

    2021-12-08 | V1.4.4


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