Hay Day > Hay Day Land Expansion Cheats and Hacks for iOS and Android

Hay Day Land Expansion Cheats and Hacks for iOS and Android


Working Hay Day land expansion cheats and hacks for iOS and Android are separately Hay Day iOS Bot and Hay Day Android Bot because they are intelligent robots for Hay Day to automatically reap, plant and sell crops including wheat, corn and carrots for land expansion materials, for instance, land deeds, mallets, marker stakes; building materials like screws, planks, bolts, nails; and clearance materials, for example TNTs, shovels, axes, saws and the like.


Hay Day Land Expansion Cheats and Hacks for iOS and Android.jpg


Over the course of running Hay Day iOS Bot or Hay Day Android Bot to cheat and hack land expansion items, there are two land expansion materials unable to get. One is land expansion permits, and the other is map pieces. The fact is that there are no cheats and hacks for expansion permits and map pieces in Hay Day. The underlying reason is that Hay Day is a server game which connects their official server frequently.


  • Hay Day Bot

    - With Hay Day; - Auto plant (Wheat、Corn、Carrot); - Auto harvest; - Auto sell them in road-side shops; * Support all Android devices (Requirements: Android 7.0+)

    2021-12-08 | V1.4.4


  • There are some cheats called cheat engines that are able to change the data of the game, but all the effort becomes vain when connecting the server except the genuine playing record. Due to that, merely working Hay Day cheats and hacks are Hay Day iOS and Hay Day Android Bot as they simulate players’ gestures to play the game and can’t be detected. Let’s see how to use Hay Day Bot to cheat and hack Hay Day effectively for land expansion.


    Hay Day Land Expansion Cheats and Hacks for Android


    1. Video Tutorial about Hay Day Bot:



    2. Text Tutorial about Hay Day Bot:


    * Tips on enjoying Hay Day Bot better:


    - In-Game language is English in case unknown errors appear.


    In-Game Language English.jpg


    - Change your fields into the location specified by Hay Day Bot so the bot can work much better. (Check this guide for more information)  


    Adjust fields to those places.jpg


    Cut down trees and bushes around the location as much as you can.


    Cut down trees and bushes. Keep it empty.jpg


    - Farm level is higher than 7 to get better experience. 


    - Android system 7.0 +. If lower than 7.0, please play Hay Day Bot on Windows PC. (See below to get more information)


    * How to Play Land Expansion Cheats and Hacks for Android


    1. Download and install the Game bots app on Android phone first.

    >>> https://gamebots.run/bots/Hay-Day-Bot-5/?=gp


    2. Find Hay Day Bot from Game bots.


    3. Tap "Get" near Hay Day Bot and select  Hay Day Bot.


    V.1.3.2 Beta is a test version. If there is no special requirement, there is no need to install this version.


    Notice: Everybody has a 30-min free trial every 24 hours to enjoy Hay Day Bot. 


    Get Hay Day Land Expansion Cheats and Hacks  Android.png


    4. Select Hay Day App for Hay Day Bot.


    5. Allow permission to run Hay Day Bot working over Hay Day. (Why does Game Bots Need Those Phone Permissions?)


    6. Open Hay Day automatically and a floating green bot window appears.


    7. Harvest crops first if you have planted.


    8. Adjust your fields based on the [About] requirements first! If you don't adjust the fields, Hay Day Bot can't work well for you! See details.


    Adjust Fields for Hay Day Cheats and Hacks.png


    9. Tap Hay Day Bot [Main] and set Hay Day Bot.


    * Tick plant and sell function. 


    Don't tick account switch function if you don't have multiple Hay Day farms on one device. 


    Tick functions on  Hay Day Cheat Bot.jpg



    Set how many field rows you have and wheat to be planted.


    Set Plant on Hay Day Bot.jpg


    * Select wheat to be sold at 1 coin to speed up sell


    * Tick Free AD to make AD on Daily Dirt to prompt what crops be sold.  


    Set Sell on Hay Day Bot.jpg


    10. Run Hay Day Android Bot to automatically cheat and hack Hay Day for you.


    If you would like to stop Hay Day Bot, press the floating window again.


    Stop Hay Day Bot.jpg


    > How to Use Hay Day Android Bot to Run multiple Hay Day farms on 1 device:


    [Guide] How to Correctly Customize Multiple Hay Day Farms on Hay Day Bot


    > Use Hay Day Bot in the background and locked screen:


    How do You Use Hay Day Bot in the Background and Locked Screens?


    > Run multiple Hay Day Bots at the same time on PC:


    How do You Play Multiple Hay Day Bots on PC?


    3. Feedback


    If you need any help or meet any problems, please feel free to contact: gamebots.run@gmail.com


    Hay Day Land Expansion Cheats and Hacks for iOS


    Hay Day land expansion cheats and hacks support Hay Day players on iPhone and iPad with iOS 14/iOS 13 to run Hay Day Bot.




    Hay Day iOS Bot is similar to Hay Day Android Bot, if you know how to use Android Bot, it is not a problem for you. However, we also prepare the tutorial for iOS to help you cheat land expansion materials. If you need it, check tutorial: 2021 Hay Day Cheat Tool for iOS 14/iOS 13


    More Hay Day Cheats and Hacks Tips

    1. Hay Day Bot

    2. Hay Day Diamonds Tips

    3. Hay Day Coins Tips

    4. Hay Day Other Tips

    5. Hay Day News

    6. Hay Day Building Materials Tips

    7. Hay Day Wiki

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