Vote for Tap Titans 2 Bot to force the pace on creating it!


Tap Titans 2 Bot is added to the wish list on Game Bots because users have told Game Bots team they want Tap Titans 2 Bot to play on the game.

If you want it  to be developed faster as well, tap "I want" for Tap Titans 2 Bot on Game Bot App to let us know how fond of Tap Titan 2 Bot you are. And we will speed up our pace to create it for you. Vote for Tap Titans 2 Bot!

I want for Tap Titans 2.jpg

Tap Titans 2 is one of the most downloaded Idle RPG game. Players tap the screen to defeat thousands of Titans; team up heros to fight with journeying through the land over 70,000 leves! Playing the game to enjoy slaying Titans is a good way to release and kill the time. However, sometimes it is a little tired because players play the game with the repeated actions. According to this situation, Game bots team want to help people get rid of it so we are going to creat Tap Titans 2 Bot for players.


Possible Features of Tap Titans 2 Bot:

- Attack monsters automatically;
- Upgrade heroes and followers regularly;

- Automatically prestige

Is it the Tap Titans 2 bot you look forward? 

If it's the exact bot you expect,  tap "I want" and vote for Tap Titans 2 Bot on Game Bot App to let us know you like it.

If it's not the bot you want or you may hope us to add other features of Tap Titans 2 bot, please contact us to share your idea:

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