Hay Day > [Hay Day Tips] How to Get More Fields on Hay Day

[Hay Day Tips] How to Get More Fields on Hay Day


Having more Hay Day fields can make your Hay Day experience better as you can plant and reap a host of various and different crops at the same time and quickly make more products based on it.


  • Hay Day Bot

    - With Hay Day; - Auto plant (Wheat、Corn、Carrot); - Auto harvest; - Auto sell them in road-side shops; * Support all Android devices (Requirements: Android 7.0+)

    2021-12-08 | V1.4.4


  • If you expect to get more Hay Day fields fast, you need to level up fast to unlock more fields as soon as you can because it is the only way to get more on Hay Day. Due to that, Taking advantage of Hay Day Bot is the best and fastest method for you to level up.


    Hay Day Bot is a helper for Hay Day to automatically plant, harvest and sell 24 hours/7 days without stopping. It is created by Game Bots team, which is a team dedicated to better game experience and has developed COC Bot, AutoClicker, Summoners War Bot, Brawl Star Bot, Tap Titans 2 Bot and more.


    When you use Hay Day Bot to play the game, its automatic planting and harvesting will help players get unlimited experience points, which are the points for levelup. Because of that, leveling up fast to get more fields on Hay Day is a piece of cake.


    How to use Hay Day Bot to Get More Fields on Hay Day


    1. Download and install the Game Bots app on Android phone first.

    >>>  https://gamebots.run/


    2. Get Hay Day Bot from Game Bots.


    Need to allow accessibility permission and floating window permission for Game Bots before using Hay Day Bot over Hay Day. Everybody has a 30-min free trial every 24 hours. 


    3. After you get Hay Day Bot, please open Hay Day official version.


    4. Adjust your fields based on the [About] requirements and set Hay Day Bot.


    [Hay Day Tips] Arrange Fields for Hay Day Bot.jpg


    5. Tick plant and sell function and set Hay Day Bot.


    Step 1 Tick the functions: plant and sell.


    Harvest is the default feature, so there is no option for it. If you don’t want to run multiple accounts on one device, don’t need to tick it.


    [Hay Day Tips] Tick functions on  Hay Day Bot.jpg


    Step 2 Select wheat and the number of rows to farm based on your condition.


    [Hay Day Tips] Plant with Hay Day Bot.jpg

    Step 3 Choose wheat, one gold and free AD.


    One gold can speed up selling. Free AD can broadcast sale of wheat on your roadside Shop to reduce the burden of your silos.


    [Hay Day Tips] Sell with Hay Day Bot.jpg

    6. Run Hay Day Bot to level up fast and get more fields!


    More Hay Day Tips


    [Hay Day Tips] How to Get Hay Day Building Materials Fast

    [Hay Day Tips] Tricks to Fast Make Coins by Hay Day Task

    Hay Day Bot Tips to Boost your Hay Day Farm

    How to Create Multiple Accounts in Hay Day?

    Transfer Coins to Friends on Hay Day Guide



    Hay Day Bot FAQ


    1. Solutions to Game Bots Crash

    2. How do You Use Hay Day Bot in the Background and Locked Screens?

    3. Why can't Hay Day Bot Auto farm Hay Day Well?

    4. How to Correctly Customize Multiple Hay Day Farms on Hay Day Bot

    5. How do You Play Multiple Hay Day Bots on PC?


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